


A pointer variable with the following properties:


Component definition


Runtime calculations. Use this to store data to be passed to other server side events. For data that needs to be passed to the client, use the _state property.


If the UX Component contains a List with a check-box select control, contains a array of objects in JSON format of the checked rows for each List in the UX. The array has the following format:


"list" contains the ID of the List control. If the List has a check-box select column, "checkedRows" is a comma delimieted list of rows that have been checked.

You can inspect the JSON to determine what rows are checked in a List with a check-box select control. For example:

DIM listInfo AS P
listInfo = json_parse(e.listInfoJSON)

if (listInfo.size() > 0) then
    if (variable_exists("listInfo[1].checkedRows")) then
        DIM listId AS C
        DIM rows AS C
        listId = listInfo[1].list
        rows = crlf_to_comma(listInfo[1].checkedRows.dump_properties(" value"))
        ' Return JS alert displaying the list of checked rows for the first list in listInfo.
        e.javascript = "alert('Checked rows for list \'"+listId+"\' : "+rows+"');"
    end if
end if

If a list has no checked rows, the checkedRows property will be blank.


State information passed between the server and client. The value of any state variables will be available in all subsequent ajax callbacks.

To set state variables:

e._state.myvar1 = "value1"
e._state.myvar2 = "value2"

To read the value of a state variable that was previously set:

myVar1 = e._state.myvar1

SQL::Arguments object with values for each of the arguments defined in this component. To read a value from arguments:


Where argumentName is the name of the argument


An optional variable that can be used to pass JavaScript to the client for execution. For example:

e.javascript = "alert('hello');"


Fires every time the UX Component is run. This includes the first time it is run and whenever an Ajax callback is made.